Southern Maryland Firemen's Association Good To Bay District
By By Public Information Officer Douglas Medley
May 3, 2016

On April 30,2016 the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department hosted the annual firemen's convention and memorial service at their station. It was a somber day as each county paid their final respects to their departed brothers and sisters. The list of departed is always long and when you have one of your members in the list seems to make it very long.
This year it was time to pay our respects to our brother Past President and Life Member Bob Braddock. Bob's wife, Dee, was there along with the rest of Bob's family and were escorted to the front of the memorial to place a flower in the boot. This is a very moving service with Mr. Pilkerton singing some beautiful songs. After each person's family was introduced the service ended with more song by Mr. Pilkerton and then taps played by Karen Raley of the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department.
It is a very moving service and many in the crowd with tears in their eyes and I'm not to proud to say I was one of them seeing Dee and the rest of Bob Braddocks family. Bob will be sorely missed in our department. Later on during the meeting and dinner another milestone came up before the gathered body of departments and that was the induction into the Fireman's Hall of Fame for Southern Maryland and this year we were proud to have Life Members Richard (Torch) Corcoran and Anthony Thomas inducted. We are so proud of both of them.
Now for a rainy Sunday forecast and who doesn't love a parade even if it was at one time raining cats and dogs. I will tell you that the members of station 3 and 9 worked their tails off the days before the parade to get the equipment ready. The Fire Chief (Gould) had already decided that he was going to do everything possible to have all our equipment in the parade. His men and women stepped up to the plate and did as he had asked.
Now in addition to the apparatus the associates of Bay District decided that they were going to have a fire prevention float with a mascot to line up with the rest of the Yellow. Now let me tell you it was really raining at one time but call it what you want the rain stopped right at the beginning of the parade. So the Fire Chief (Gould) and Ass't Chief (Warren) decided we could put out our color guard and a few marchers to include them. It looked real nice and I heard many comments from the crowd. I was so proud of them.
Now after the parade they awarded the trophies for a lot of different reasons and I will try to get them right that we brought home. Here goes.
Best appearing squad
Best appearing truck
Best appearing engine 1500 gpm
Judge's award antique engine (old 1943 chevy)
2nd Best pumper tanker
2nd place overall in the association (company)
Honorable mention for Little Mr. Fire Chief
2nd place little miss fire prevention
Best command unit (I think the one I was in)
Best appearing mascot
Fire Prevention Awards:
Rolland B. Duke Award
Gott Award (Bruce and Cathy Theden)
1st place class 5 fire prevention
2nd place class 5 fire prevention special projects (smoke alarms-Melvin Tennyson)
Life Safety Unit Citation award (Jasey, Thomas, McHone, Gatton)

Wow!!! Like I said it was a good day in Ridge.

Hyperlinks: Bay District VFD