Working House Fire
By Norman Rea
May 26, 2016

May 26, 2016
At approximately 2337 hrs local volunteers and neighboring departments were alerted to a fully involved house fire near the golf course at 11410 H G Trueman Road. Promptly members manned Engine 31 and Engine 33 and responded to the scene. Upon arrival Chief 3 and crew found a single story rambler with basement with heavy fire through the roof. Due to the building be under construction there were no victims. Volunteers with the assistance of Company 7 and Company 23 stretched an attack line into the house bringing the fire under control quickly. During the incident one firefighter received minor burns and was transported to CMH for a minor check up. During the investigation it was determined that the cause of the fire was electrical in nature within the basement which extended to the attic. Volunteers operated on scene overhauling for approximately one hour and all units cleared at 0103 hrs.

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Units: Engine 31, Engine 33, Command 3
Mutual Aid: Saint Leonard (Co 7), Bay District (Co 23)
Hyperlinks: Solomon’s VRS & FD