2014 MSFA-OSFM Fire Prevention Grant
By Firefighter/EMT Thomas Flint
February 6, 2014

2014 MSFA-OSFM Fire Prevention Grant Flyer and Application
It is yet time again to provide the opportunity to receive $500 in funding for your fire prevention activities. One new rule change has occurred as a result of multiple issues with lost and/or misplaced checks that were distributed last year. The checks from MSFA will be issued on a 'one time only' basis. Please see #5 on the attached application.

Now for a challenge: I am challenging each of you to share this information with your surrounding departments. In order for this program to continue to be offered, we must make every effort to work as a team to utilize the monies offered in this program. This year we have $67,000 to distribute to MSFA member fire departments. Let's bring 134 departments on board and give me a reason to ask the MSFA for more funding for this ever so important program. This is now the fifth year to offer this funding and I believe each of you understand how far $500 goes in your fire prevention efforts. Please share and explain how this program works and how easy it is to apply for this funding. Fire prevention does not end in our first due areas, so let's work together to bring fire prevention efforts to everyone in our State and beyond.

In addition to the fire prevention grants information, I am also pleased to share the flyer for the upcoming Public Fire and Life Safety Educators Spring Conference scheduled for March 22nd at MFRI in College Park. We have another outstanding program planned for your public education efforts. Only 100 seats are available so please register early!

Please sign on to the MSFA website often to stay on top of upcoming events throughout the State. I look forward to seeing most of you and the representatives from the departments you successfully brought on board at the spring seminar and at the MSFA convention in Ocean City!

Feel free to use excerpts from this letter when sharing this information. See attached documents. As always the information is available on the MSFA website.


DSFM Bruce D. Bouch
Director of Public Education and Media Affairs
Office of the State Fire Marshal
1201 Reisterstown Road
Pikesville, MD 21208
410-653-8999 (office)
443-865-9878 (cell)
bruce.bouch@maryland.gov, http://mdsp.org/firemarshal,
http://facebook.com/MarylandStateFireMarshal, www.mdlifesafety.org

"Residential Fire Sprinklers Save Lives"

Attachment FP_Grant_Announcement_Flyer_2014.docx (191k)
Attachment FP_Grant_Program_App_MSFA_2014.doc (546k)
Attachment 2014 Public Education and Life Safety Conference - March 22rd 2014 -Final.pdf (257k)

Attachment 2014%20Public%20Education%20and%20Life%20Safety%20Conference%20-%20%20March%2022rd%202014%20-Final.pdf  (257k)
Attachment FP_Grant_Announcement_Flyer_2014.docx  (191k)
Attachment FP_Grant_Program_App_MSFA_20141.doc  (546k)